Nomination of the Eduardo Bolsonaro for Ambassador, a reason for impeachement President Bolsonaro?

Willemjan Vandenplas
2 min readJul 18, 2019


President Bolsonaro told the world his son, Eduardo, would become Ambassador in the US, because he has seen the world, speaks English and Spanish. The proces of nomination has been critized by several members of the senate and the STF, so it’s possible that his appointment won’t pass through.

Officially Eduardo know’s everythings about the US and has the elegible age of 35 to become Ambassador. He even joked only to know how to bake an hamburger.

The problem with Eduardo is that he’s an adept of the alt-right movement, he is good friends with right-wing nationalist politicians like Steve Bannon of ‘The Movement’.

His father told : ‘What’s the problem, the Workers Party’s Ambassador’s never did anything in the US, so why can’t my son go there.’

Mello, judge at the Supreme Federal Tribunal says that Eduardo is totally incapable for such a job, and that they can withhold the nomination.

It is clear that if Eduardo gets nominated, Brazil can really be put on the list of right-wing nationalist countries together with Italy, US, Hungary, …

It would be a true act of nepotism, which also means Brazil is run by a clan, ‘The Bolsonaro Clan’, like the neo-nepotism of Trump in the US. Which gives us a clear case for possible impeachment.

It is clear that the real power is with Rodrigo Maia, the President of the Chamber of Deputies. He is the one keeping the country together while President Bolsonaro is only making problems for trade with China and the Middle East.



Willemjan Vandenplas

Auteur van ‘Dagboek van een Wereldburger’. Everything here is 'not published' and should be considered likewise.